Fianostics successfully participated in the 9th round of the SARS-CoV-2 antibody detection round test of ÖQUASTA (Austrian Society for Quality Assurance and Standardization of Medical Diagnostic Examinations). The COVID-19 FluoBolt™-DUO-SN antibody test on which the INOOlab™ system is based correctly identified and evaluated all samples in the round-robin test

“The 9th SARS-CoV-2 antibody test round-robin was extremely successful and shows the high level of SARS-CoV-2 antibody diagnostics at the participating laboratories. So all test results were completely correct. In addition, the sensitivity of the NCP-specific antibody tests used was high enough in all participants to detect NCP-specific antibodies in a sample from a donor who had been infected with the omicron variant one year before the blood was taken.”
The extremely user-friendly INOOlab™ system will continue to provide a very reliable contribution to the ongoing monitoring of the antibody status for all interested parties