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Quantitative Covid-19 FluoBolt™-DUO-SN Antibody Test
The exact procedure step by step
Secure online access for pharmacy test sites
Customers come to the pharmacy via the INOOlab website or are interested in an INOOlab test directly in the pharmacy
Data and sample collection in the pharmacy
After analysis in the laboratory, electronic transmission of the test certificate to the customer
Highest test quality, laboratory quality with digital delivery
of test certificate for your pharmacy customers
The exact survey of the antibody-status is increasingly important for patients to clarify the question of whether one has recently undergone a – possibly symptom-free – covid infection, or how many antibodies are present after vaccination or recovery.
The question is particularly important when patients are considering further vaccination. For this purpose, a survey of the antibody status is an important basis for decision-making.
For the first time it is possible for pharmacies to offer the highest quality with unprecedented simplicity in acceptance and diagnosis.
The INOOlab antibody test is a test evaluated in a medical chemical laboratory, which is verified by the laboratory physician.
The standardised test provides reproducible and accurate values.
Include the INOOlab antibody test in your pharmacy now.
How to become an INOOlab pharmacy
and how does this work?
Contact INOOlab, here you will receive all the necessary information. Afterwards, INOOlab partner pharmacies receive secure online access to collect the data of the test persons.
Your pharmacy will be listed on the INOOlab website.
The blood sample is taken directly in the pharmacy by a lancet prick into the disinfected fingertip. A few drops of blood on the innovative Neoteryx medium are enough. The blood is sent as dried blood to the evaluating laboratory.
The customer receives the test certificate directly via secure e-mail access.